This is the first cafe i visited after I came back Kuching...
i visited here just the night i reached kuching...22nd May 2009
this was a day after my birthday^.^
That night my sisters bought me a birthday cake ...
we ate the cake in home together with our parents and friends before we went to the cafe... XD

*the mocha cake ^.^*
*may my wish come true ^.^*
someone said this picture i look like wanna murder the cake XD
The Kado Cafe located at the 2nd floor...
inside the cafe... got few tables can let customers play game..
what game is that??
hehe...see below XD
i don't know whether this is the only game they designed or what...
because i came here the first time..
i dint go see other tables are which type of game...lolx
before we start the game...
lets order some drinks and foods XD
see this couple >.<''' nyii nyii nyam nyam never feel paiseh in front of us XD
huhu...lets start the game now...
since the design of the 棋子 was an aeroplane...
so the way to play the game was limited...
we cannot double/triple the pawns...
we only can eat other player's pawns XD
These were my pawns...
why upside down geh?
because it finished game already ma XD
since we all got 5 people..
but this game the maximum players are four only...
so Ah Mark gorgor let us played...
he only sat there and played his hp =)
well..this is the stupid+ blurblur jane XD
she was the first winner ... keke
stupid but luck still the best among us ...haha
I am the 2nd winner...
not bad XD
Ah Tong gorgor was the 3rd...
Pity nenek (Janet=nenek XD) was the last one...ahah~
Before we left the cafe...
we some more played the 2D game..cho dai di^^
one day if u at Kuching don't know where to yamcha...
may be can go Kado Cafe to have a try =)
here got some steaks and other menu too^^
i visited here just the night i reached kuching...22nd May 2009
this was a day after my birthday^.^
That night my sisters bought me a birthday cake ...
we ate the cake in home together with our parents and friends before we went to the cafe... XD

someone said this picture i look like wanna murder the cake XD
inside the cafe... got few tables can let customers play game..
what game is that??
hehe...see below XD

i don't know whether this is the only game they designed or what...
because i came here the first time..
i dint go see other tables are which type of game...lolx
before we start the game...
lets order some drinks and foods XD
since the design of the 棋子 was an aeroplane...
so the way to play the game was limited...
we only can eat other player's pawns XD
why upside down geh?
because it finished game already ma XD
but this game the maximum players are four only...
so Ah Mark gorgor let us played...
he only sat there and played his hp =)
she was the first winner ... keke
stupid but luck still the best among us ...haha
not bad XD
Before we left the cafe...
we some more played the 2D game..cho dai di^^
one day if u at Kuching don't know where to yamcha...
may be can go Kado Cafe to have a try =)
here got some steaks and other menu too^^
ReplyDeletealways said me stupid :P
i was right ma~ XD